Meetings & Agendas

Come and join us for a meeting - everyone is always welcome!

WOM School Council meets on the second Thursday of every month from 6:30pm - 8:30pm, with the exception of December and March when we take a break.  Meetings are held primarily in person, in the school library, however some meetings may be held virtually when the circumstances warrant.

Below is a typical Council meeting agenda:
1. Welcome & Call to Order 2. Approval of Minutes & Agenda 3. Treasurer’s Report 4. Chair Report 5. Principal’s Report 6. Teacher’s Rep Report 7. Student Rep Report 8. OCASC Report 9. Fundraising Report 10. Other/New Business
School council meetings are a great way to get first hand information about the different things going on in the school, and have your questions answered. However, if you have questions for the Principal, we kindly ask that you please send them to us in advance of the meeting so they can properly prepare their answers.

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